暑期英语作文:美丽的天空 The Beautiful Sky

During the summer holidays, I went to my grandmother's home. One evening after supper, I stood on the balcony to look at the sky.The stars in the sky were twinkling. Some were crowded, and others were separate. Then I found that the stars w...


要求:条理清晰,语言流畅,用词准确, 字迹工整,80-100词。范文Sports do us good in many respects.It goes without saying that taking exercises can build up our physical strength. In collective sports like basketball, volleyball, or football, w...

中国庆祝生日的方式 The ways to celebrate birthday in China

 There are many ways to celebrate birthday all over the world.As a Chinese student , I will introduce the ways in China to you. In China , we often have a birthday party at home or in a restaurant to have the meal together. And we always ...


Every time,when the sun shining brightly,I know summer is coming.Though it is very hot,I still prefer summer.In hot summer,I like lying in the sunshine,sometimes.Because its too hot,I always stay for fifteen minutes.Always,you can see lots ...


人们对于学生网上交友持不同意见。请你用英语写一篇关于学生网上交友的短文,介绍人们的不同观点,并表达自己的看法。赞成的理由 反对的理由1.广交朋友 1.浪费时间2.可自由表达思想 2.影响学习3.有利于外语学习 3.可能...

我最爱的人 The person I love most

The person I love most is my mother. Why? Please read it on.My mother is a worker. She's forty years old. She is very kind.When I was a child, she came to Tianjin with me. These years, she gave me all her love. I feel very happy.In 2009,I l...


The fifteenth day of the first arrived, my family and I go to the lantern.正月十五 到了,我和家人一起去看花灯。Can be busy in the street, people mountain people sea. At seven o 'clock is very to, start with fireworks, "bang..." Voice rings,...




Dear Bob,亲爱的鲍勃,Yesterday I heard from you. I am very glad to be your pen friend. My name is Peter Zhang. I am sixteen years old. I live in...昨天我收到了你的来信,我很高兴成为你的笔友。我的名字叫张彼德。我今年十六岁,我住在......I am ...


It is very important to deal with the rubbish in cities. Rubbish must be thrown away or reused properly. Or it may cause a lot of problems. It may pollute the air and water. People may get ill when they breathe the polluted air or drink the...

热爱祖国 I Love My Country

I am born in China, it is a great country, it has more than 5,000 years' history, I am so proud of my country. China has the world's largest population, our culture is profound and owns variety, every time when I talk about Chinese culture ...

快乐的周末 A Happy Weekend 范文二篇


改善环境 Improve the environment

Good environment can make people feel happy. To improve the environment means to qualify our life . What should we do to improve our environment?良好的环境能让人心情舒畅。改善环境,意味着修饰我们的生活。 改善我们的环境,我们应该做些什么呢...


假设你是李明,最近你校的一份英语报纸正在校园出现的涂鸦现象开展讨论。请你根据以下要点写一封信给报纸编辑,发表你的看法。(1)涂鸦丑陋难看。(2)公共建筑物不是表达观点、感情的地方。(3)禁止涂鸦。参考词汇:graffiti 涂鸦,(在墙上的)乱涂乱...

倒霉的一天 An Unlucky Day

【题目】张林昨晚熬夜看足球赛,结果今天意外发生了。假如你是张林,请你根据下表的内容提示写一篇短文,描述一一 下发生的这些意外事件。词数80左右,短文的开头和结尾已给出,不计人总词数,可适当发挥。【说明】意外情况,熬夜看足球赛,结果睡过头了,没...


6月5日( June 5)是世界环境保护日, 我们周围的环境变得越来越糟糕,污染越来越严重。环境问题影响着人们的工作,学习,生活等,而我们的工作,生活,生产等又使环境污染越来越严重......如何保护我们的环境? 请以 How to protect/save our environment/world? ...


假如你是苏敏,你的美国笔友Tina发来电子邮件,说她下周要来中国,但对中国的风俗习惯、见面礼仪及餐桌礼仪了解很少,于是向你寻求帮助,请你给她回一封电子邮件,告诉她有关中国风俗习惯、见面礼仪及餐桌礼仪的情况。提示:1. 风俗习惯的不同:中国人第一次...


Direction:在成人仪式后,老师要求写一封信给父母,以表感恩之情。字数不少于120字。June 1st,2013Dear mom and dad,How time flies! And it has been really seven years since I entered the middle school, during which time I spent the unforgettable t...


I have a lot of little handiwork, but the favorite one is my collecting-tin.It is a little man made of china. He wears a red hat and a pair of big glasses. His blue clothes are very nice.He has a red nose band no big eyes like stars on hi...


假如你是李华,经常和你的澳大利亚笔友Tony用英文通信。最近他来信说打算买一台笔记本电脑以促进学习,想征求你的意见。请根据下列提示回信:1. 建议他放弃这个想法; 2. 你的理由是:(1)容易染上坏习惯;(2)学习好坏的关键在于自身。注意: 1. 信的格式...


My name is Sally. I'm twelve year old. I'm study in XinDong primary school. In all subject. I like English best. English is more impotant of live. Lean English well can help you. I have a good idea to lean English well: 1、Read and take exe...



我的英语学习 My English study

Time past quickly. My three years of high school life is coming to an end. In retrospect, I have a lot of memories of my English learning.时间过得真快!我三年的中学生活马上就要结束了。回想起来,我对我的英语学习有很多记忆。When I entered midd...

My Naughty Nephew 淘气的侄子

My sister got married three years ago, and now her son is one year old. Last week, my sister was very busy, so she asked me to take care of her children for half a day. I agreed without hesitation, because I thought it was a very simple thi...


根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50词的文段写作。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。学校组织过很多社会实践活动,请你写一篇短文,介绍一下你参加的一次活动,在这次活动中你去了哪里,做了什么,你的感受是什么。提示词语:Agriculture ...




"I can't stand the pressure and competition," explained one friend of mine when asked why he decided to quit his highly-paid but demanding position in his company recently. My friend may have his own reasons, but I don't think his decision....

如何保护自己 How to protect myself






