
2021-05-05 00:24发布


   九年级英语完成句子练习:   1.令我惊奇的是,他已经改变了他的生活_____ my surprise,he has _____ _____ _____ already.   2.在最后,全体人员作出了一个艰难的决定。_____ _____ _____ ,the staff made a diffcult _____.   3从今年开始,学生们不再为他们的学习担心了。   From this year on students won't _____ _____ thier study _____ _____.   4中国政府要求人们注意保护环境   The Chinese government asks people to _____ _____ _____ protecting the evironment.   5爸爸已经决定戒烟了 Father has _____ _____ _____ _____smoking.   6. 尽管我学习不好,但我从未放弃过。   ___________I didn’t do well in my lessons, I _________ gave up.   7. 鲍勃将跳远的世界纪录保持了多久?   How long did Bob __________ the world __________ in the long jump?   8. 听到那悲伤的消息,他忍不住哭了。He couldn’t ________ ________ when he heard the sad news.   9. 当我到达火车站时火车已经开走了。The train ________ ________ when I got to the train station.   10. 如果每个人都能为保护环境做出自己的贡献,这个世界将变得更加美好。   The world will become much more beautiful if everyone ________ a contribution to ________ the environment.   11. 我们应该排队等候上公共汽车。   We should ________ to get to the bus.   12. 杰克逊喜欢与别人交朋友。   Jackson likes ________ with others.   13. 学生在校时间必须穿校服。Students ________ wear school uniforms ________ school days.   14. 上星期天我们玩得很痛快。 _____ ________ ________ ________ __   15. 到目前为止,这些士兵已经救了一百多人。   ______ _______, these soldiers have saved more than one hundred people.   16. 雨下得这么大,你最好呆在家里。   It is raining hard, and you _____ _ at home.   17. 我们为中国将主办第29届奥运会而感到自豪。   We __________________ China which will host the 29th Olympic Games.   18. 如果我明天有空,就和你下棋。 If I ________________ tomorrow, I ________________ with you.   19. 当你学习遇到困难时,请不要放弃。   Please ______________________ when you have difficulties in study.   20.She ________ (收到……来信)her pen friend yesterday.   21.All the athletes ________(对…..满意)with the nice service during the Beijing Olympics.   22. ________ (到目前为止),many measures have been taken to control the spead of A\H1N1.   23. After the earthquake ,he left for wenchuan as a volunteer (而不是) a tourist.   24.You ________(最好)check over your exam paper carefully before you hand it in .   25.为了预防“非典”,我们更应该注意保持干净整洁,除掉陋习。   In order to prevent SARS, we should pay ________ attention to ________ everything clean and tidyand get rid of our ________ ________.   26.开车只需半个小时就可以到达购物中心。   It’s only half an ________ ________ to get to the shopping centre.   27.这个主意听起来不错,我会考虑的。   This idea ________ ________ a good one. I will think about it.   28.如果马路上没有人行道,你最好靠道路的最右边走。   You’d better walk ________ ________ the right side of the road if there is no pavement.   29.一旦这件事失去控制,更多的人就会遭殃。   Once it is out of control, more people will ________ ________ trouble.   30.早饭你想吃什么,鸡蛋、面包还是面条?   What would you like to have ________ ________, eggs, bread or noodles?   31.展出的小汽车都是中国制造的。  The cars ________ ________ are all made in China.   32.请向我们提供一些有关网上购物的信息。   Please ______ us _____ some ________ hopping on line.   33.数以千计的运动员将参加在济南举办的第十一届全运会。   ________ athletes will ________ in the 11th National Games to be held in JiNan.   34.似乎他一生从未勤奋的如此工作过。   ________ seemd ________ he ________ never ________ so hard in his life.   35.我们一直同意将会议推迟到明天。   We are ________ that the meeting should be ________ till tomorrow.   36.人们将永远记住那个小女孩身处危险时的甜美微笑。   The little girl __always ________ her sweet smile, when she was in danger.   37.没有你的帮助我们不能完成这项工作。   We can’t finish the work ______ _________ ______.   38.当礼物打开时,我们就争着谁先来玩。   When the present is open, we ________ ________ who plays ______ it first.   39.你收到你父母的来信了吗?Have you _______ from your ______ ?   40.要是你把它丢了的话,你必须赔偿。   ____ you’ve lost it, you must ______ _________ it.   41.机器把不同的金属块连接在一起。   The machine joined the different _____ of ________ ______.   九年级英语完成句子练习答案:   1.To,changed,his life   2.In the end decision   3.worry about any more   4.pay attention to   5.decided to give up   6. Though/Although, never   7. hold/keep, record   8. help crying   9.had left/gone   10. makes, protecting   11. wait, in, line   12. making, friends   13. have, to, on   14. Last Sunday we had a good time.   15. So far   16. had better stay   17. are proud of /take pride in   18.have time/am free, will play chess   19. don’t give up   20. heard from   21.were satisfied/pleased   22.so far   23.instead of   24.had better   25.more, keeping, bad habits   26.haur’s drive(ride)   27.sounds like   28.closest to   29.get into(be in)   30.for breakfast   31.on show   32. provide/supply, with ,information about.   33.thousands of , take part.   34.it, that ,had worked.   35.in agreement ,put off.   36.will , be remembered for.   37. without your help   38. fight about with   39. heard from parents   40 .If pay for   41. pieces metal together


