
2022-12-30 11:24发布

中国各地都有自己独特的传统艺术形式。中国结是中国特有的传统艺术,以"A Special Art of China—Chinese Knots"为题写一篇短文。有数千年的历史;偶然被发明制作手工制成;颜色多而美;红色使用最广泛;象征好运繁荣用途过去用于记录事件;现在用于节日和其他庆典; 春节期间,人们在屋里悬挂;平时,女孩们喜欢把它和手机或钥匙系在一起现状在中国随处可见;在全世界越来越受欢迎

Chinese knot n.中国结,prosperity n.繁荣
celebration n.庆典,record v.记录,hang v.悬挂


Each different part of China has its own special forms of traditional art. Chinese knots are a special traditional art of China. They are famous around the world. They are made by hand and have been formed for thousands of years. They are invented by accident. Chinese knots are colorful and .Red is used the most widely.In China, red is usually a symbol of good luck and prosperity.In the past,people used to record events with them, but now they are used at festivals and other celebrations. During the Spring Festival, people enjoy hanging the Chinese knots in rooms. In our daily life, girls like tying the Chinese knots and their phones or keys together. Nowadays,  they are becoming more and more popular in the world.